
Carrie’s 25th birthday at the Lago de Coatepeque

Lago de Coatepeque

On Carrie’s birthday we had quite a day of touring.   After hitting up the Mayan Ruinas del Tazumal, we bussed it back to Santa Ana where we boarding bus 220 (242 works as well) for El Lago, a.k.a. Lago de Coatepeque.  The lake is in a volcanic crater and is sparkling blue and about 6km across.  Its not very far from Santa Ana, but the bus is slow so it takes about an hour to get there.  There is a small village on the edge of the lake with a few hostels and restaurants on docks extending out over the water.  We had a few birthday Pilseners and enjoyed the clear skies and the towering green volcanos around us.  Oh, what a lifestyle.

Lago de Coatepeque
On the way back we took a pit stop in El Congo because we saw an ice cream shop with an ice cream cake sign.  We bought two slices and it was super rich and fantastic.  Carrie said it was a great first birthday in another country!

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