

Carrie has been practicing yoga for ten years, teaching for five, and has always turned to her practice for stress relief and spiritual connection. She loves to show her students that yoga is far more than just the poses – it is a spiritual path that can guide us in every aspect of our lives! In 2018 she obtained her Yoga Alliance RYT 200 from Quantum Yoga School under the wise guidance of Lara Baumann. Quantum’s unique yoga education provided her with expertise in Ayurveda, Yoga Philosophy, Vinyasa, and incorporating the modern principles of Quantum Physics into a yoga practice.

Quantum Physics teaches us that any action taken with consciousness has a greater potential for transformation. Thus, when we approach our yoga practice with conscious awareness, “listening in” to our bodies with an intention of seeking balance, we raise our chances of attaining the innate serenity and balance that yoga can bring!

On her path of continuing yoga education Carrie has become certified in Trauma-Informed Yoga and Teaching Yoga to Teens via Prison Yoga Project‘s amazing training program. In 2021 she obtained her 500-hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training certificate through Lakshmi Rising School of Yoga led by Dr. Liz Lindh.

Carrie teaches trauma-informed classes in the local Juvenile Detention Center, as well as regular classes in local studios in Flagstaff, AZ. She loves the variety of being able to teach both advanced asana classes and gentle trauma-informed classes. Check out a free trial week of Carrie’s online yoga library or join for a reasonable sliding-scale price!

Carrie strives to be a channel for the soothing, healing qualities of the yoga. She’s available to teach group and private classes in Northern Arizona. Zoom classes are available as well. Send an e-mail to inquire!


Ayurveda is the ancient Indian “science of life” which was developed around the same time as the science of yoga. Ayurveda is a holistic health system focused on treating the physical body and the mind simultaneously using diet, herbs, and yogic practices. Carrie’s Quantum Yoga Teacher Training focused on using Ayurveda alongside a yoga practice to bring our bodies, minds, and spirits into balance. She later studied and completed an 800-hour Ayurvedic Health Counselor program through Joyful Belly Ayurveda School. We believe Ayurveda is one of the greatest, largely-untapped resources out there to help us heal, recover, grow, and find higher levels of wellness and spiritual connection!

Book an online or in-person Ayurvedic wellness consultation.