
Cha Cha Cha Changes in our plans!

Cha Cha Cha Changes in our plans!

Every once in awhile, as part of a grand traveling team, you realize that your plans aren’t going to turn out as you had originally envisioned.  This is not to say that change is a bad thing; we like to think of it more as choosing a different road and saving the other ones for later.  Without making your read too much further, we have decided that we don’t have enough time or money to travel Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil.  However, the trip will not be shorter, just different.  Bolivia has been calling our names and we have been thinking of spending a couple months there, hopefully finding a farm to work at that we really enjoy.  After Bolivia, we want to go through Paraguay, not because we have heard amazing things about the country (we haven’t really), but because it’s a cheap route to Iguazu Falls (one of the biggest waterfalls on the planet) which lies at the corner of Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil.  From Iguazu Falls we plan to turn around and backtrack through the same countries, hitting up what we missed in Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia.  After traveling for so long, we have found how we like to travel, and that is slowly.  Blazing through places is not as gratifying as spending real time and actually getting to know the countries and cities we visit.  There has just been so much that we have missed already: the coast of Colombia, the Ecuadorian Andes, the Peruvian Amazon, etc…  We are also dreaming of taking the sailing adventure from Colombia into Panama, traveling on the ground through Central America back to the U.S., and thus connecting our whole voyage in one overland line.  Yes, we did have the dream of Patagonia to Alaska over land, but it’s just too much for now.  We have a lot of life ahead of us (*knock on wood*), and we hope to complete this big dream a little later when we have a bit more money in our bank accounts for the more expensive Atlantic side of South America.

I hope no one is too disappointed to hear that we won’t be completing our original route to a T.  Of course, this could all change, as we are always open to whatever opportunities present themselves.  But as of now, here is the revised rough itinerary:

February-March: Bolivia and Paraguay, then back through Bolivia

April: seeing what we have left in Perú!

May: enjoying Ecuador again and then beelining to the Colombian Caribbean coast!

June-July: Sailing to Panama, then traveling through Central America back to Ohio…a.k.a whatever else we can get done!

To update everyone involved in the film, we have been shooting SO MUCH footage!  Highlights so far include the volcano in Baños, the Inca Trail experience, WWOOFing, and many personal testimonials about our culture shock.  I know this sounds like a hodge-poge (it kind of is), and we are still on the lookout for more perfect documentary subjects.  But, rest assured, a documentary WILL EXIST!  We have not forgotten all of your generosity and we are working hard every day in hope of sharing this grand experience with others through art.

As for blog news, we’re feeling ready to supplement our income by adding some advertising!  Any readers wanna give us some tips on how to go about this?  We’re newbies!

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Inca Trail Day Three!