
Cuenca: Yeah, we’re back in Ecuador!

Cuenca Ecuador

The Old Cathedral with its famous blue domes.

Cuenca: Yeah, we’re back in Ecuador!

We heard a lot about the magic of Cuenca when we first journeyed through Ecuador but we never made it there on that jaunt.  On the way back north, we made it a priority to stop in this city full of colonial beauty.  Although Ecuador’s third-largest city, Cuenca seems worlds smaller than Quito or Guayaquil, which are very load and busy. It has a very old-fashioned, livable charm to it.  The only downside was that it is the most expensive city in Ecuador, with hostels and food costing much more than in most of the country.

All of the cities in Ecuador have a little different feeling. For Cuenca this is true as well. We really liked the smaller cities in Central America that seemed safer.

Cuenca Ecuador

The New Cathedral

Cuenca Ecuador

Cuenca Ecuador

Flower market

Cuenca Ecuador

Front of the Old Cathedral. Palm trees and pine trees in Cuenca!

Cuenca Ecuador

Walking along the river.

Cuenca Ecuador

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