
Editfest 2011 for South America trailer

Okay.  I’ve got the tech problems figured out (*knock on wood*).  Enough time has passed since I really sat down and worked for several hours that I am ready and willing to do it again.  For real this time, for the win!  And I’ve got a whole boyfriend-less Saturday to sit down, distraction-free, and edit my little heart out.  I’m pumped.  Major trailer progress report coming Monday!!!!!!

Editfest 2011 for South America trailer

P.S.  Does anyone know any great websites where I can get royalty-free photos?  We need some for the trailer and we’re poor but we want to be legal.  Specifically photos of South America…people, places, travel, landscape, etc.  Comment at me if you do!

EDIT FROM 2024 BY ZACH – We were posting some really boring content before our South America trip. I think it was mostly for us in the future, but here I am in the future still thinking it’s boring. I want to leave it on the website though, because it really shows how excited we were for this to get off the ground. I for one wasn’t sure if we would actually get there to the start, but soon enough we were on the ground, awkward as ever but we figured it out!