
Exhaustion from work and saving for travel.

Not much news since we bought our flight tickets to Colombia for our backpacking trio.  (Which is still big news!!!)  The reason for the lag:  We are friggin’ busy!

Exhaustion from work and saving for travel.

Zach works 50 hour weeks AND every other weekend as an electrician.

Mel has a relatively new job, is moving, and training for a triathalon.

I just got a new job but still have two weeks left at my old one.  So between the two I’m working 60 hour weeks and at least 20 straight days without a day off.

AHHH!!!  We are TIRED and frustrated that we don’t have more time to work on things like the trailer, social media, and fundraising.  But the $$ we are making now is enabling us to take off on this year of awesomeness.  I know I will handle tiredness so much better when I’m tired from doing something awesome, like hiking Machu Picchu.

Eyes on the prize…Also I know I will be able to work more on LAP once I’m back to only one job and only 40 hours a week.  I just can’t wait to get there!