
Introducing the Pupusa Tracker!


Before entering El Salvador we had read about this food item called a “pupusa” that everyone eats all the time and they sounded pretty delicious.  Once in the country we noticed that yes, there are pupuserias on every corner of the whole country.  A pupusa is basically a thick, doughy, tortilla filled with cheese, refried beans, pork, or a variety of other things.  You put some coleslaw-like stuff and some tomato-like stuff on top (sorry, we haven’t been here long enough to know the proper names for everything) and eat them with your hands.  They are the national fast food and we love them!!!  They sell for between 30 and 50 cents each and we usually eat three or four apiece for a cheap dinner.  Since we are already so addicted, we decided to start counting how many of these tasty guys we put down in our time in El Salvador.  We will place the current count on the right side of the website, near the top.  We plan to eat more than 100 in our three weeks here.  That is all.