
Perú Financial Summary

The Perú Pie Chart!

Total $ Spent=$2260.90

Total Days=43

Average =$52.58 per day or $26.29 per person per day

Total Inca Trail expenses=$1079.19

Total Perú without the Inca Trail=$1181.71

Average $27.48 per day or $13.74 per person per day without the Inca Trail

We chose to include the $400 Inca Trail deposit in our Perú stats, even though we paid it back in August, before we even left for South America.

56% of our spending was on activities.  Most of this was the Inca Trail but we also did several other things because there is just too much to do in Perú!

Food and Entertainment were the other significant budget chunks.  They would be about the same percentage as Ecuador without the Inca Trail.

We barely spent ANY money on Lodging, which is awesome.  In all we stayed in 3 hostels for free (Loki for a whole month), Couchsurfed once, and only paid for 4 short hostel stays, totaling only $106.  Not bad for a whole 43 days in the country!

Overall, although Perú is the first country we blew our budget on, I think we did great!  Considering how well set up Perú is for tourists, we could have spend A LOT more money on swankier hotels, gringo food, and even more tourist activities.  We definitely could have spent less if we had skipped the Inca Trail and some of the other tours.  But we came into Perú knowing we were going to do more touristy things and prepared for the cost.  Everything was well worth the money.  We were about 10 days behind on our budget entering Bolivia, but because everything is so cheap here, we are hoping to make it up quickly!

Has anyone been convinced to come join us for a cheap adventure yet????