Williams, Arizona

Join us in the peaceful nature of our off-grid property in Williams, AZ, for an afternoon of self care, expansion, and community! Guided yoga, meditation, and breathwork, plus Q&A time. Discover how to balance out the Ayurvedic dosha called “Pitta” which causes us to easily overheat and get irritated in the summertime! The goal is to empower you with tools to create your ideal sadhana (daily spiritual and self-care practice) for summertime!

3pm Welcome & Pitta-pacifying meditation
3:30pm Best practices for staying balanced in the summertime with Q&A
4pm All-levels Pitta-balancing yoga flow
5pm Guided Wim Hof Breathwork (newbies to this technique are welcome!)
6pm Ice baths (sauna will be available as well for hot & cold therapy)

Guided by Carrie & Zach

The cost of the entire event is $55 per participant. 15 people max!

Venmo is the preferred method of payment. To reserve your space please Venmo your $55 to Carrie-Hoffman-19. As an alternative, you can pay with a card using the payment link here.

*This event is weather dependent. If weather interferes, we will reschedule or refund you your full event price.

*This event is weather dependent. If weather interferes, we will reschedule or refund you your full event price. Otherwise, purchases are non-refundable.