
Sucre, the Whitewashed City

Sucre, the former capitol of Bolivia, impressed us with it’s colonial charm and ornate architecture.  It’s a university town and the richest city in the country, which definitely shows.  We wandered the best grocery store we’ve found in months and spent many hours just walking around admiring the surroundings.  Honestly, after months of travel in developing countries, it was really nice to be in such a clean and pretty place for a change!

Plaza 25 de Mayo

To be fair though, there were still a lot of beggars, including some kids that set the record for most annoying pestering.  We made the mistake of walking by while eating popsicles, and two small kids ran after us, grabbing our legs and demanding “Give me your ice cream!” in Spanish.  Honestly kid, I might have given you the rest of my popsicle if you had asked nicely, but when you’re screaming and trailing off my pant-leg, there’s no way.  Would have been a good way to get robbed but thankfully we didn’t have anything in our pockets.  Safe to say we avoided that sidewalk from then on.