
Technical Difficulties before travel…ugh

—UPDATE 3/11/11:  I found the solution!  Of couse it involved converting my video to every possible codec until something magically worked!  Now I just have to find time to sit down and actually edit the thing!  Soon, soon, I promise!!—

Technical Difficulties before travel…ugh

Yes, I realize it’s the last day of February.  The trailer is supposed to be done.  Is it?  No.  I think “technical difficulties” is the worst phrase in the world for a video editor.  But alas, those are what I am dealing with.  I should have known that some problems would occur since I’m using my brand new equipment for the first time and working out the kinks.  Guess it’s best to get these problems out of the way before we shoot the actual film, right?  Also, we decided to move the launch of our kickstarter campaign back to April, so it’s not actually critical to have the trailer done right now.  But, rest assured, I will not be defeated by a software program!  I am riding bravely into the tech support battlefield and will have the trailer finished ASAP!!!!

As for the other goals for February, I did study my Spanish quite a bit!  Hooray for that!