
The most momentous book exchange of the whole trip!

The clock is ticking with only five days left in South America!  It’s bittersweet to be leaving this continent we’ve grown to love so much, but knowing that more adventures await further north!  We got lucky to find Literar-té in Taganga, the biggest book exchange we’ve seen in South America!  Finding the shop is kind of an adventure.  We saw the place mentioned in several blogs but none of them gave directions on how to get there!  So we decided to follow suit and not ruin the fun of the search.  Don’t worry, you’ll find it if you keep your eyes open!

One dog-eared, over-highlighted copy of South America on A Shoestring plus 4,000 COP ($2) got us a similarly well-loved copy of Central America on A Shoestring.  We have our issues with Lonely Planet’s accuracy, but we’re not the type of travelers to go totally guidebook-less.  It’s always a good reference when read with a grain of salt.  Five more days, Colombia, than adelante a Panama!  Is it just me or has this adventure gone way too fast!