
The not-so-planned plan for South America travel.

The not-so-planned plan for South America travel.

Honestly, planning a trip like this is not easy.  Split with also trying to make a film at the same time, learning a new language, and preparing to to leave all of our things being for an entire year, it is overwhelming.  The next question is WHERE ARE WE GONNA GO?

“Not where that one guy is…” my Dad hopes, meaning Hugo Chavez.  I reply, “Of course where ‘that one guy’ is, they are suppose to have the nicest people and the most beautiful beaches!”

We will arrive in Medellin, Colombia with a previously-contacted Couchsurfing host ready to meet us and help us get acclimated.  After we are feeling comfortable with our environment, we will set out to our first farm in the WWOOFing organization and volunteer/relax in the high jungle countryside.  After around 1 month in Colombia, we will enter Ecuador and experience the beaches of the equator.  Then southward through the land of the Incas, through the Bolivian Salt Flats, down through the Andes, and hopefully we will arrive in Patagonia before winter sets in.  After putting our tent into good use in the southern wilderness, we will take the only bus northward, overnight to Buenos Aires, Argentina!  And so on and so forth until we wind up back where we started, in Colombia.

I’m sure everyone gets the point.  We are going counter-clockwise from north to south.  We will travel on a boat, upstream on the Amazon.  We will travel socialist nations and not be afraid, because, frankly, we don’t buy this “All socialists are bad people” BS.