
Too Legit to Quit!

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our indiegogo campaign so far!!!  You guys are truly awesome.  We are up to $350 with 90 days to go!  Click here if you want to donate!

In recent news, Zach got his travel shots!  He has been “a little bit infected with several tropical diseases” for the past few days now, hahaha.  So there will be a lovely video post of that experience coming soon!

The most exciting news is that we officially registered our production company as a business!  That basically involved filing a notarized form and paying $15 at the courthouse to make Journey Lost Productions legally recognized.  We also opened up a business account with Chase so that we can keep all of the funds we raise for the film completely separate and provide copies of our bank statement to donors if they ask.  It also means we can write off all of our equipment as business expenses when we file our taxes next year.  This is all so new to me but the fact that I’m now officially a business owner makes me happy.  Journey Lost Productions is real, yo!