
Travel Health Insurance

Travel Health Insurance

I’m looking for a good travel health insurance plan right now and am feeling slightly overwhelmed.  So far the best ones I’ve found are as much as $600 per person for one year of travel!  That’s expensive, ah!!!

Does anyone have any advice or recommendations on what insurance companies to look at?

Also, this is something we can help us with by DONATING $$$$ to our cause!  Click here!  Donate so we can have health insurance and be prepared for emergencies!!!

We were headed for a long trip in South America and needed a little health insurance coverage. It doesn’t seem like a lot of money now, but back then it was more than we wanted to think about. I don’t remember what we ended up settling on.

For anyone who asked us in 2024 we reccommend World Nomads

Also depending on where you go, there might be good health insurance coverage that tourists can get from the state. For instance, in Iceland if you need to go to the hospital, tourists pay 15 Euros, and they apologies for making you pay it.

In the United States we have a bad thing with medicine and it’s scary to think of getting sick.