
Tungurahua Volcano Eruption Video

So, the eruption of Tungurahua is pretty much calmed down by now (knock on wood).  We haven’t had any ash or loud booming for several days, although the volcano is still technically in “active” mode.  I think, though, that it’s time to put the Volcano Tracker to rest.  It can stay here so it will still be on the website until the end of time, but hopefully we won’t need to update it again! check the bottom for our Tungurahua Eruption Video. 

Tungurahua Volcano Eruption Video

This page is dedicated to updating the world on the situation with Volcán Tungurahua in Baños, Ecuador. ____________________________________________________________

The volcano hasn’t made it’s presence felt all day, and we are hoping that it is over!

Friday, December 9, 2011

8pm:  No sounds but it did clear up, showing the volcano to still be smoking.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

5:15pm:  BOOM!!!!!!

2pm: Some rumbling can be heard from the side of town close to the volcano.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

2:30 pm.  Some small rumbles but only for a few minutes.  Very dusty in town.

11am: Still no activity, some ash blowing in town.

9am: Woke to some mild rumbling sometime in the night, but as of now all is quiet and the ash has settled.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

7pm: Volcano has been calm all day, and hopefully will continue in this fashion!

12 NOON: Baños ash making it feel like the Burning Man festival.

11am: the mayor made everyone sweep this morning which made all the dust go down the street and into the air for the next person to sweep and breathe.

10am: volcano almost quiet, Baños still in a thick fog, moderate winds not helping.  dust starts to enter our house.

9am: walk to town and find everyone there sweeping off their houses and shops. piles of ash lining the streets and most people wearing surgical masks.

8am: loud rumbles, town is in a haze

7am: wake up, volcano quiet

Monday, December 5, 2011

Here’s a quick Tungurahua Eruption Video with some of our volcano footage.  Sorry the shot of the lava is so hard to see.  Shooting in pitch black+youtube video quality=pretty hard to see it!  But if you look closely you can see some red flashes!  Also, turn your volume up because the sound is one of the best parts!