
WECare Worldwide – Caring For Sri Lankan Street Dogs

If you know us, you know we love dogs!  Sri Lanka, like many developing nations, is covered in street dogs.  While spending the last three months in Sri Lanka, we kept looking for ways to help the street dogs.  Those little mutts were always nice to us, following along on hikes and keeping us safe late at night.  After being in Sri Lanka for a while, we kind of became immune to the site of the mangy friends.  Then, while researching charities for our September Sri Lanka Surf & Yoga Retreat we stumbled across WECare Worldwide.  WECare provides veterinary care for less fortunate animals across Sri Lanka, providing free care for street dogs, and inexpensive care for household pets.

WECare Worldwide Sri LankaWe visited WECare’s facility outside of Talalla, Sri Lanka to find out more about the amazing things they are up to!  WECare’s main focus is on reducing the number of street dogs in Sri Lanka, by neutering and spaying as many as possible.  This way, with veterinary medicines limited,  more care can be given to the already enormous numbers of dogs that exist on the island.

WECare Worldwide Sri LankaAnother of the main goals of WECare Worldwide is educating the local people about street dogs and how to better love them.  WECare goes into school and shows young children that street dogs are cute and loving creatures, breaking the stereotypes that many Sri Lankans have against dogs.

One other stereotype that WECare likes to break is that of the veterinarian.  Traditionally in Sri Lanka, vets are people who have not succeeded in medical school.  Not wanting to be seen in a career connoting “failure” discourages Sri Lankan youth from pursuing schooling in veterinary medicine.  But WECare’s super-smart and passionate veterinarians are changing the image of the veterinary career in Sri Lanka.  It’s also awesome that many of the vets in WECare are women, providing a great example of female education and empowerment!

WECare Worldwide Sri LankaRecently WECare was featured on the BBC which helped them to secure a lot of new funding.  Check out their segment by clicking here!

We cannot wait to raise money for WECare Worldwide though our 10% Giveback Program on our  Bigger Life Adventures yoga and surf retreat!  Every dollar helps, and even if you don’t make it to our Sri Lanka Surf & Yoga Retreat, please consider donating a small amount to their cause.  Not only are the helping the street dogs, but they are employing many local people and educating young children on the proper way to interact with animals.  Please check out their website www.WECareWorldwide.org.uk for more information about the organization and details on how to donate to the cause!