
Woah!!!!! Something awesome is happening!!!

Woah!!!!! Something awesome is happening!!!

Hey guys!  We had a momentous day yesterday, with over 150 hits on our site!  This has NEVER happened before!  We usually average around 60 hits perday, so 150 is out of this world!  We are overjoyed but extremely curious!  What made this happen!  Looking at our stats, we see that over 60 hits alone came from people who googed us.  So can you guys please give us some info??  If you googled La Aventura Project yesterday, what made you do it?  We think we must have been featured or linked to somewhere that we do not know about.  So please fill us in, thanks!

EDIT 2024 we always got SO excited when we had a good views day. We didn’t understand SEO back then so it was always kind of a mystery to figure out what was going on. Usually we got views through controversy or some near disaster. I remember getting a lot of hits for our posts about Loki Hostel party life, and Volcano posts, and whenever we did a series. It really was a mystery though!

Someday we will use all of this content for something. Of course we could have been written a lot more, but we did pretty good with what we had available.